- Details
- Written by Szük Dániel
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: 28 September 2018
- Hits: 12340
- score game (hereinafter: Game) is organised by Lechner Non-profit Ltd. (herein-after: Organiser).
- Anybody can take part who is registered at website and has a valid e-mail address. The one joining the Game (hereinafter: Player) accepts the rules of the Game by starting to edit the images. Player is informed about the Game and access of the rules in the feedback e-mail sent by Organiser after successful editing – along with the way of cancellation to take part in the Game.
- The employees and the subcontractors of the Organiser and their close relatives named in the Act V of 2013 on Civil Code in Section 8:1. cannot take part in the game.
- All Players earn points for the correct editing of an aerial photo depending on how difficult is to position them. The particular values (1-10) can be seen on the edition surface.
- Time period of the Game: 1st January 2025, 00:00 am – 28th February 2025, 24:00 pm. After this period points can still be earned for correct editing of the images, but these further points do not authorise Players to take part in a Game – until new game is announced. Only those points are credited in the Game that had been formerly approved or transcategorized by the website administrator (successful editing). Those points can be added in this Game that have been gathered in this period considering the date of edition and save of the photos – irrespectively from the date of approval. When the Game is over, at last by 15th March 2025 the final result is launched by Organiser on the site and the Players are informed about the gift via their e-mail address given at registration. Those Players, whose email addresses are not valid, or they registered by their Facebook profile, they can check in whit an email send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. according to the results published on
- The Player who earns at least 250 points in the time period of the Game, gets gift, which contains a printed archive aerial photo or a printed enlarged part of an archive aerial photo chosen by the Player. The maximal size of the printing is 90 cm x 90 cm. The aerial photo must be available on
- The Player who earns at least 500 points is entitled to printed aerial photo, or enlarged part of aerial photo detailed in point 6., in addition to the gift, they are entitled to take part on a workshop visit at the Organiser’s office at Bosnyák tér at announced date and time. The Player is entitled to gift if he or she is unable to attend the workshop visit.
- The Player who are sending an e-mail request with the details of the chosen aerial photo, and their postal addresses to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 10 days from the release date of the results, will receive parcel via post in case of a Hungarian postal address. Postal cost is paid by Organiser. The Players can choose to get their gifts personally at the Customer Service of Organiser (1149 Budapest, Bosnyák tér 5.) between 8:30 and 12:30 on working days.
- If the Player does not take over the gift in person within the specified time limit or does not indicate his or her request for postal delivery, he or she will be ineligible for the gift.
- The gift is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other gift.
- The personal data of the Players are handled and protected in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions ( and the Special Privacy Notice than be found here: