Is there any aerial photograph available from **** settlement? – The Aerial Photo Archive of FOMI houses at least one aerial photograph from all Hungarian settlement from the period of 1959-2007. Out of them there are 254.019 images uploaded to by now and are available online for the public. The digital archive expands continuously, about 10.000 images are uploaded in every semester.

When will be an aerial photograph from **** settlement available on – We keep on scanning analogous aerial photos continuously and the new images are uploaded twice a year. The ranking of scanning is not determined by geographical position or former secrecy but the film’s physical condition because our primary goal is to preserve the most damageable ones.

How can I get an aerial photograph which is not yet available on – It is possible to buy archive analogous photographs personally at the Customers Service (open on workdays from 8:30 am. to 12:30 pm.) or by email to maria dot vig-kis at lechnerkozpont dot hu

How can I download aerial photographs without purchasing process on – Actually full resolution photographs and their georeference files can be downloaded only via geoportal. If you haven’t chosen another product that is the subject of payment, please take the Free download option.

Why don’t we find all aerial photographs located exactly on their right place? – Considering the great volume of photographs (at about half a million pictures) and missing relevant fix points the Digital Aerial Photograph Archive project allowed us only to digitize the approximate frame centres of the flight plans. In cases of films dated before 1969 we did not have any tracings, so frame points were determined with visual identification. This was enough to determine location, recognition and help their further applications with additional editing and georefering. Navigation and scale determination became automatically. The process of georeferring is shown here.  

How can I search for an aerial photograph of a certain year? – After typing the name of the settlement and start searching, the website offers a selection of the nearabout images. On the right side a panel opens automatically and there are different options to select from. The first one is the cursor for the dates. The Aerial Photo Archive of FOMI houses images dated from 1959-2007, and on the website only a part of these are available online.

How can I annotate sg. on the aerial photograph? – Log in the website and after a click to a certain point on the photo, in the browsing window a square will appear and a short comment is expected. The process of annotation is shown here.

How can I express my opinion about –There is a Questionnaire at the bottom of the website where online answers are welcome, the results are attended.

In case of noticing any error when operating the website, how can I let it know? – Please write email to fentrol at fentrol dot hu